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Various Ranting & Raving
Saturday, 28 May 2005
Ugh, what a day
Now Playing: The new Audioslave CD
Awww, man. It took me 4 hours longer to get my job done yesterday. I won't get into the details on that particular irritation. I just hope the people I drive for get their computers straightened out soon.
I wanted to buy some new music to rock out to at the gym so I picked up the new Audioslave CD at Newbury Comics without hearing anything off of it before hand. I also raided the used CD bins for a Rory Block album (after hearing her play "Rock Island Line" with Paul Rishell and Annie Raines on the radio a while back).
Well, I see myself keeping the Rory Block CD and trading in that Audioslave disc really soon (perhaps even this weekend).
I love their first album but their latest one just doesn't seem to have any teeth to me.
Let's see...there was some more aggravation involving the family car...I won't drag that one on. Everyone's been there.
I was looking forward to going out that evening and stopping off at this Mexican grill next to Boston University while I was out but they decided they would close early for the holiday. So much for me being a loyal customer, I guess I'll be going to a place closer to home next time.
I ended up eating at a hot dog restaruant. Two of them opened up in Allston. I hope it isn't some kind of trend. Neither could pull off an authentic Chicago dog anyways.
My bill came to six dollars and sixty-six cents. Make of that what you will.
At least the Jiggle The Handle reunion was a good time despite some soreness in my feet. I'm glad I have a visit with the doctor scheduled for this Friday.

Posted by juncopartner at 12:26 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 June 2005 5:01 PM EDT

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