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B&P Rules

My Policy

Look, I'm more than glad to do B&Ps when time allows but I have to INSIST that you do things the way I want you to do.  If you're looking for a B&P, you should mention that you read and understand everything here to increase the chances that I'll reply to your request.
It's been so much of a hassle with some folks in the past that I'm a little wary these days and I've stopped making large offers on mailing listservs.
Please note the home page of this site where it states that I can only burn AUDIO discs.  If you send the computer-type, I'll just send you back the discs you sent me untouched.  I've stopped using my own stock because I shouldn't have to.
You must follow steps posted on either one of the two sites here:

You don't have to use 9x12 Tyvek envelopes if you don't want to.  I've done some work for the post office though and knowing what the mail goes through at times, I'd have to recommend them.
I insist that the bubble mailer you send me is new (point of etiquette: save your recycled mailers for trades but use new ones for B&Ps) so I can just peel off the sticky strip and toss the package into a mail box.  As I said, I can't get to a post office while they're open.
Definately include a note reminding me what I'm burning for you.  I'm usually doing more than one B&P at a time.

Ask before sending any B&P materials!!